IHUCSO Litoral (Instituto de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales del Litoral)

The Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Littoral (IHUCSO) is a double dependency institute (CONICET – UNL), created in 2016. It constitutes the first institute of the Scientific Technological Center (CCT) Santa Fe in the social and humanistic studies area, and it is the only one of double dependency (CONICET-UNL).

3rd floor of the ISM, UNL University City
54 (342) 4511678

Researches from various areas of knowledge converge within the institute, both humanities and social sciences, and it tends to encourage disciplinary interaction between them. In that sense, one of its main objectives is to promote the development of new projects and programs that allow the research groups to grow and consolidate, as well as to enhance the generation of necessary lines in connection with the needs of the environment and the region.

Additionally, the institute tends to interact with other CCT institutes, centers and departments from UNL and other national and regional institutions, in order to co-ordinate specific actions to promote science and technology.

IHUCSO proposes to achieve a clear articulation between bachelor and postgraduate levels of college careers and investigation lines from the executing unit (EU), as well as to stimulate links with other national and international universities and organisms that promote international cooperation and internalization in humanities and social sciences area.

The institute also aims to favor the increase of transfer based on available cognitive technologies and services, and achieve greater linkage of knowledge and skills with strategies for development and social welfare. Moreover, it tends to generate new strategies to communicate and interact with society, and to reach an active participation in extension and investigation projects oriented to social action.

Last but not least, IHUCSO promotes the coexistence of researchers, scholars, support staff (CPA) and administrative staff in order to improve communication and social interchange. This possibility of raising interaction skills is directed by the objectives of generating and promoting mechanisms to favor training in values that promote respect for diversity and gender equality.

The institute is composed by the following research groups:
• Sociohistorical Interdisciplinary Studies
• Studies on Crime and Society
• Studies on State, Space and Development
• Studies on Gender, Work and Innovation
• Studies on Epistemology, Logic and Philosophy of Science
• Studies on Ethics and Contemporary Political Philosophy
• Studies on Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
• Studies on Modern Philosophy
• Studies on Institutionalization, Internationalization and Archive
• Studies on Languages, Grammars and Teaching
• Studies on Texts, Languages and Cultures in Translation

INES (Instituto de Estudios Sociales)

The Institute of Social Studies is a scientific and technological pole for developing research activities in the fields of social studies. It contributes to the social appropriation of knowledge and takes transfer actions for the institutional, social, productive, and services sectors.

La Rioja 6, Paraná, Entre Ríos
54 3442 421500

INES is a double dependency unit CONICET-UNER created in 2017, which is part of a process of consolidation and federalization of science in the Province of Entre Ríos. It is a research space for the generation, publication and transfer of scientific and technological knowledge, made up of research professors from the UNER, researchers and scholars from CONICET and articulated with groups of other scientific organizations, centers, programs and research projects. It has six lines of research organized under the great main area "Social Sciences and Humanities", within which there are different topics under study:

Territory, development, natural and cultural heritage
• Territorial development, social actors in agriculture and territorial dynamics linked to innovation, extension and transfer in agriculture. Family agriculture.
• Border security and sub-national security public policy: technologies, bureaucracies and national and provincial political actors in Entre Ríos.
• Dilemmas of the inclusion of citizens in the formulation of proposals, the enhancement and management of the cultural and natural heritage in Argentina.

Social and economic history of Entre Ríos, XIX and XX Centuries
• History of the population of Entre Ríos during the 19th century.
• Primary education in the fields of the province of Entre Ríos. The Program for the Expansion and Improvement of Rural Education (1978-1993).
• From competition to complementarity. Transport in the province of Entre Ríos (1947-2008).

Public policies, capital, labor and monetary transfers
• Family expectations in development: analysis of the futures imagined by the beneficiaries of the
Universal Child Allowance and PROGRESAR in the margins of the Province of Entre Ríos during the years 2018-2019.
• Labor market and social policies.
• Power and resistance in neoliberal capitalism: Between the new forms of subordination and the reinvention of the common.

Virtuality, ict and social inclusion
• Transformations in the production, circulation and access of knowledge from the integration of computer and digital technologies in educational, academic and cultural spheres.
• The technological dimension of inclusion / exclusion around disability from a critical Latin American perspective.
• ICTs and distance education as a demand of society, associated with development, professional academic training and the training of citizens in general.

Ethnography and communication processes and popular education
• Communication processes and popular culture from an ethnographic perspective. Professional intervention in the field of community and popular communication.

Genders, rights and sexualities
• Problems of gender, sexual and reproductive health and social policies.