SEMINARIO / Optimal Synthesis and Planning of Sustainable Chemical Processes

El miércoles 2 de julio, a las 11.00, en el INGAR, el Prof. Ignacio Grossmann dictará la conferencia.

Día: Miércoles 02/07
Hora: 11:00
Lugar: Aula del 1er. Piso de INGAR (Avellaneda 3657).
Tema: Optimal Synthesis and Planning of Sustainable Chemical Processes: Water, Biofuels and Shale Gas
Expositor: Prof. Ignacio E. Grossmann
Department of Chemical Engineering. Carnegie Mellon University. Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
Sustainability has recently emerged as a key issue in process systems engineering (PSE). Mathematical programming techniques such as mixed-integer programming and global optimization offer a general modeling framework for addressing environmental concerns in the synthesis and planning of chemical processes. In this lecture we address the energy and water optimization of biofuel plants, as well as the optimal water management in shale gas operations. We present an optimization model based on superstructure optimization to synthesize integrated process water network that reuse and recycle water so as to minimize freshwater consumption. The proposed model can also be extended to perform effectively energy and water integration in the synthesis of biofuel processes. This is illustrated in the optimization of corn-based ethanol, lignocellulosic bioethanol plants, and algae based processes for biodiesel production. We next consider the design of an integrated supply chain for gasoline and ethanol that can deliver a variety of gasoline blends. Finally, we address the problem of optimal water management for fracturing operations in shale gas production with the goal of minimizing the cost of water supply and reuse of flowback water.

(La conferencia será dictada en castellano)