CONICET Santa Fe is a Science and Technology Center (CCT) reporting to the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research of Argentina (CONICET) that aims at: ensuring the appropriate framework and means for carrying out scientific, technological, and development research; contributing to the interrelation among research groups and institutes (the latter being known as Executing Units); providing support services for Executing Units, formally related research groups, or third parties; and building cooperation and dissemination relationships with our community.

The CCT director ( and sub-director are elected by a Board made up of all Directors of CCT institutes. This Board runs the center and reports to CONICET.

The main mission of the Board of Directors is to coordinate research activities, design service policies, and supervise administrative work at the Territory Administration Unit (UAT). The UAT ( is the unit that undertakes administrative work, provides services, and is in charge of technological liaisons of CONICET Santa Fe. Its goal is to optimize resources and improve Executing Units (UE) performance.

CONICET Santa Fe involves 20 research institutes -namely, CICYTTP, CIMEC, ICIVET Litoral, IAL, IBB, ICIAGRO Litoral, ICTAER, IDICAL, IFIS Litoral, IHUCSO, IMAL, INALI, INCAPE, INES, INGAR, INLAIN, INTEC, IQAL, ISAL, and sinc(i)-, one Research and Transfer Center -CIT Rafaela-, personnel in the Influence Zone (ZI), and a services center (UAT). CONICET Santa Fe assembles more than 1.330 members who are researchers, fellowship holders, research-supporting professionals, and administrative staff.